My "Quarter Life Crisis" Story
This year I am 25 within five years I will be 30, which is pretty scary to think about! I don’t know if anyone experienced or dealt with “quarter life crisis”in their life, it really sucks! Let me break this down for you… what is “quarter life crisis”???…
According to a recent study about emerging adults and young adults “somewhere between mid twenties and thirties, they might be experiencing a serious low point in their life. It could be a trial of confused identity, misguided purpose, awkward and hopeless transition.” And, if you’re anything like me, you feel lost, anxious, and panicked.
7 reasons why I might be experiencing “quarter life crisis” right now…
1.) This is a confusing time for me. I hate the feeling being stuck in one place and not moving forward to another. And that’s not normal to me! I feel very lost….
2.) I don’t know what I want to do with my life. Some of my friends who are fresh out of college are fortunate to land their perfect job with full benefits and a solid career plans. For me, I haven’t find mine yet!!! I am concern I won’t succeed before I’m 30. I don’t like to compare myself to other people, but sometimes It’s difficult not to compare myself…I do understand competition is a part of nature and I can never avoid it..
3.) Most of My friends around me are either getting engaged, married or having a baby. For me, I am not engaged or getting married anytime soon. I am no where ready for marriage. Even though I do have my fairy tale dream wedding (sigggghhh)…. I am tired of people asking me when am I ever getting marry… Sometimes I wish everyone can back off and relax! Only time will come…
4.) Yes, I have a loving boyfriend who can always cheer me up….And don’t get me wrong I love him and adore him, but sometimes it’s not enough. I need to have spent quality time with my girl friends. I want to be able to share my feelings and experiences because only my “girl” friends can understand what I’m going through. Sometimes men don’t understand us “women” go through on a regular basis. It’s hard to relate.
I find it difficult to make friends as an adult, especially with females!!!!. We are so catty!!! My circle of friends is getting smaller and smaller by the minute. It’s hard find friends trustworthy and loyal who I can depend on. Most of my friends have boyfriends and have their own priorities, sometime I am afraid distance and time will drive friendships away without any explanations or reasons. Or Perhaps maybe my personality have change or we don’t share the same level of interests anymore …. Whatever Who knows ..
5.) Do I want to stay in Connecticut for the rest of my life?! I have no idea! I have been living in Connecticut since I was 5 years old… I don’t know where I will be living in the next 5 years.. I would love to move to a different state. I don’t mind moving to Texas… Or I always want to live in New York or Boston, but I never got the nerve or courage to make it happen. Shoot… I’m 25 years old and I’m still living with my parents (sighhhh). Plus I’m not financially stable yet…
6.) I hate the facts as I get older, I get hit with more responsibility and with more responsibility usually leads to more bills…… so looks like I will be broke for life.
7.) Sometimes I have moments where I feel like I don’t give a fuck anymore. As in I want to give up or run away from reality. I’ve experienced my high moments and low moments. There were some moments where I felt anxious or angry at the strangest time… I felt like I’m going to blow up because I have a lot of things bottled up inside and all I want is to scream on the top of my lungs! Or I dealt having random panick attacks ( Don’t worry I’m not depressed). I’m okay.
Sometime I have moments where I like to go with the flow, going on spontaneous things without having any thoughts and negative repercussions … I called this “yoloing”, which means I don’t care what other people think. And just “do me” and keep moving forward.
The reason why I am writing this post about my experience with “quarter life crisis” is to share my story and also bring awareness about this social issue. I’m not trying to draw attention to myself. Many millennial from the age 25 to 35 had either dealt with “quarter life crisis” or currently experiencing it right now. It is common to feel confused or lost.
Hopefully this social struggle is only temporary. I will eventually find my strengths and push through my problems.
And please don’t you worry, you are not alone…. you shouldn’t feel lonely.
Xoxo #phashiontherapy